Orders will take 1-2 days to process and ship. Orders are not processed or shipped on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal Holidays. We cannot guarantee the arrival time of an order. Any shipping or transit time given to you is an estimate. We encourage you to order in a timely manner to avoid shipping delays.
If an order is placed and it includes a product that is out of stock, we will ship your product as it becomes available. Usually, products ship in 1-2 days, however there may be times when the product you have ordered is out-of-stock which will delay fulfilling your order. Our support team will keep you informed of any products that you have ordered that are out-of-stock and unavailable for immediate shipment. You may cancel your order at any time prior to shipping.
We reserve the right at any time to cancel your order even after accept the order or can decline due to non sufficient quantity of the products or backorder of the product.
For further detail we can be reached by [email protected]
We reserve the right to make changes to this site and these Conditions at any time.